Structured Network

Design and installation of structured networks and cabling systems.

Data connection without compromise

The key to today’s enterprise IT systems is to have a network infrastructure that supports your business today as well as in the future. 

When a company grows, it also means an increase in technology demand in most cases. In many cases, this increase means reaching the design boundaries of the existing cable infrastructure. In this case, in order to increase the quality of network communication and increase speed, development is needed so that the company’s IT system can continue to operate smoothly. A cluttered, undersized, and overloaded cabling system can hinder the efficient operation of a corporate communications infrastructure.

A structured cabling solution is needed to solve the problems.

Structured cabling is a telecommunications cabling infrastructure that consists of a number of standardized smaller (structured) elements.
A properly designed and installed structural cabling system provides a cabling infrastructure that provides predictable performance, adapts flexibly to change, maximizes system utilization, and provides redundancy.

The structured cabling system represents a small part of the total network investment, but this technical solution is responsible for almost 80% of the efficiency of the enterprise IT network. This will be the foundation of your IT system, which is essential for the efficient and secure operation of the system.

The engineers and technicians of EPS-Connect Zrt. design and implement the cabling bases needed to meet your current and future needs. From a single point to a multipoint connection, we are building a customizable cable infrastructure for your business and organization, that will be scaled up and can be further developed in the event of future growth

Our Benefits

25 years System Warranty


Data cabling is the most common demand for business IT systems. We offer quality data cabling solutions for businesses and institutions, combining voice, data, voice and video services.

Cable arrangement, rack

Organized and optimized cabling and network infrastructure with a customized rack design to suit your needs.

Manufacturing and wholesale

Quality product range for IT system designers, contractors and resellers.

Project management

Our resources are available to you to implement a new, customized IT solution that is tailored to your current and future needs.

Support and maintenance

If necessary, our specialists organize and perform the troubleshooting and maintenance of our customers' cable infrastructure.

Our featured projects

We are proud to have been able to contribute to the implementation of our partners’ excellent network infrastructure with our solutions.